Who We Are

This is the Elvira A4 Class blog! The blog where we students can: -post anything in English, -post things that can help the students enjoying doing their homework, -where we must check if our friends are trying to accomplish their goals for the semester, -and of course, if we have enough money been saved in our piggy bank for our graduation party!


Please, don't post anithing unappropriate, like portuguese, bad words or things that are not asked at the post.
Violations will be DELETED without piety.

Do you want class pictures at the blog?

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

Swine Flu Dinner Money

August 17 +- R$15,00
August 19 +- R$23,00
August 24 +- R$29,00

Um comentário:

  1. HEY GUYS!!!!!
    I'm kind of starting to think that we are forgetting about the money for our graduation, because at the beginning everyone gave some money, but now no one does! Let's try to do something different, like everyday is someone's day to take the money, or something else, I don't know... But I do know that I wanna have some pizza at the end of the semester!
